
First Float…in Canada

2017 has already been a busy year. Dreampod continues to grow and expand right along with the float industry. This is a good thing. More people floating, more centers opening, more and more people finding their way into a tank, all positives. The world is becoming a happier more mellow place one float at a […]

Mar 23, 2017


2017 has already been a busy year. Dreampod continues to grow and expand right along with the float industry. This is a good thing. More people floating, more centers opening, more and more people finding their way into a tank, all positives. The world is becoming a happier more mellow place one float at a time. However, this means more work for me. This is a good thing too.

January I was in Oakland, California setting up six tanks at Reboot Float’s beautiful new center in the heart of the Rockridge District. Long days and lots of work but now there are six new Dreampods helping people relax and heal. Totally worth it. The next stop for me was Champaign, Illinois. First time in Illinois and first time setting up a tank inside a hair salon. I know right, not the norm, but it worked and now people get to experience the joy of floating at Rod Sicklers Salon and Spa/Health and Wellness Center.

Up next was Canada. They tell me Canada is beautiful, but so far all I’ve seen is ice and snow. That’s when my eyes defrost long enough to actually see. Lethbridge, Alberta is about 2 hours south of Calgary. I was sent to hook up and install three tanks this time. Two were traditional white Dreampods, but the third was the sleek and stylish Stealth. Which, if you haven’t seen yet, is all black. It’s just plain bad ass.

Zach Palmarin, owner of Tranquility Float Centre, picked me up from the airport on a Tuesday evening. It was a comfortable -16 degrees Celsius, which is just about 3 degrees Fahrenheit. Perfect! I love the cold. It energizes and invigorates me, said no one ever. One of these days I hope to have an install in Canada during the summer months. I hear it lasts somewhere from late June to early August, so I’m crossing my fingers.

Zach was opening up the very first float center in Lethbridge after falling in love with floating. The next closest place to float is over an hour away. I love meeting people who not only love floating, are willing to travel long distances to make it happen, but then also go crazy and decide they want to open up their own center. It’s straight passion because starting any business is difficult, but starting a float center takes someone special. Zach is that kind of guy and soon I had his tanks up and running.

Every single installation I’ve done ends with crystal clear, salty water. Every single installation I’ve done also has a few surprises along the way to that beautiful warm water, but we always get there. This install was no different. There were a few surprises, some of which I cursed the frozen hell tundra of Canada for, but in the end, 3 beautiful tanks were completed. It was made easy in the end by delicious homemade food (compliments of the Palmarin’s), Zach’s willingness to pitch in, and also a little help from the Universe.

To top it all off I got to reap the benefits and float the night before I left. It would be my first float in another country. It’s been awhile since I’ve floated and it was much needed. I laid back and within minutes started the long descent into whatever far off place I go to when I’m inside the tank. Time disappears and my breath slows. Floating for me, has been and always will be a Spiritual exploration of myself and the deeper expansiveness of the Universe. Before I knew it, time was up and I was back. My body felt better, my mind was more relaxed, and I slept like a rock that night. The epitome of Tranquility.
I’ve logged well over 20,000 miles traveling North America setting up Dreampods. Each trip is different but yet the same. I’ve met some incredibly wonderful people and had the opportunity to see some beautiful places. In the end, I like to think I’ve done my small part in making the world a better place, one Dreampod at a time. Now it’s off to Texas, California, Washington, and then who knows where. Stay tuned.

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